POPTORSO | お店のミカタ https://poptorso.on.omisenomikata.jp/ 商品やサービスからちょっとした喜びを感じ取っていただければ幸いです。 【日記】 General Rules for Storing Your Sexy Doll Torso Wed, 15 May 2024 19:10:21 +0900 2385633 https://poptorso.on.omisenomikata.jp/diary/2385633 Safe storage of&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/">sex doll torso</a>&nbsp;can seem like a daunting task. In fact, the idea of store torsos and dolls scared me away from owning any for quite some time. But, in reality, it is fairly easy and simple once you know what you&rsquo;re doing. So, allow me to share my experience with you and show you how to safely store your own sex doll torso! Don't let storage deter you from owning a sex doll torso. With these easy steps, you can safely store and maintain your sex doll torso for long-lasting enjoyment.
Follow the our's instructions carefully to ensure proper care for your&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/full-size-sex-doll-torso-full-body-sexy-love-toy">life size sex doll</a>. Avoid bending or placing the doll in positions for extended periods of time, as this can damage the structure. When not in use, make sure the&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/female-sex-dolls">female sex doll</a>&nbsp;is stored in its original position to avoid any potential damage.
Avoid scratching the skin of your torso sex doll with sharp objects or knives in order to prevent any potential damage.
<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/clm-h60-climax-torso-hazel"><img src="https://ueeshop.ly200-cdn.com/u_file/UPAU/UPAU976/2312/18/photo/H60-Torso-HazelCinnamon7.jpg?x-oss-process=image/format,webp" alt="CLM H60# Climax Sex Doll Torso Hazel" /></a>
Avoid exposing the sex doll torso to fire as the material is highly flammable. Follow all warnings and precautions provided by the merchant.
To avoid dust, refrain from storing the product in dusty environments. Due to the nature of TPE, it can become sticky and attract static electricity, making it susceptible to dust contamination.
If one side of the&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/bbw-sex-dolls">BBW sex doll</a>&nbsp;is pressed for an extended period, indentations may occur. However, simply turn the pressed side face up and the doll will naturally recover within a few days.
Due to the nature of the material, it may easily absorb dyes, so avoid wearing dark colored clothing. Removing stains from extensive dyeing can be challenging and may not always be successful with stain removers.
If the torso sex doll is accidentally dyed, you can try removing it with olive oil, salad oil, or deep cleansing oil. Apply the oil evenly to the dyed area and then place the doll in a dry and cool area after wiping it. In the case of severe staining that cannot be removed, a stain remover can be purchased for treatment.
When transporting a sex doll torso, it is important to securely grip the body of the torso and avoid pulling directly on the limbs or head.

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【日記】 How to Get a Fuller Butt of Surprises: What is Hip Fat? Wed, 08 May 2024 19:56:35 +0900 2384520 https://poptorso.on.omisenomikata.jp/diary/2384520 &lt;h2&gt;Hip Fat: How to Get a Fuller Butt?&lt;h2&gt;
<br />
Excess fat stored around the hips, otherwise called subcutaneous fat, can have a negative impact on physical attractiveness and wellbeing. In this article we'll examine the reasons behind hip fat accumulation, the issues it may cause, and offer advice on effective management.Poptorso's realistic&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/sex-doll-hips">Sex Doll Hips</a>&nbsp;will take you to experience the sexy pleasure of plump buttocks.<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/">Sex doll torso</a>&nbsp;buttocks can satisfy all your sexual fantasies about women&rsquo;s plump buttocks.
&lt;h2&gt;The Reason Causes of Hip Fat&lt;h2&gt;
<br />

Genetics: Genetics can strongly influence where a person's body stores fat. Some people may have a greater tendency to accumulate fat around their hips and buttocks due to genetic factors.
Hormonal factors: Hormone activity, such as that of estrogen, has an impact on how fat is distributed in a female's body. It is typical for a woman to have more fat stored in her hips, which is influenced by hormones.
Sedentary lifestyle: Inactivity and a desk-bound lifestyle can stimulate the amassing of fat in the hips. Exercising habitually helps to scorch calories, abate fat, and foster general wellbeing.
Unhealthy diet: Consuming a high-calorie diet rich in unhealthy fats and processed items can result in additional body weight and fat accumulation, potentially in the hip region.

&lt;h3&gt;How to Managing and Reducing Hip Fat?&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
Cardio activities such as running, swimming, or biking are great for burning calories and decreasing body fat around the hips. Incorporating strength training exercises specifically designed to target the lower body can help to shape and firm the muscles in the hip area.
Consuming a nutritious diet containing a range of produce, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can help promote a healthy weight, as well as reduce fat around the hips.
Creating an energy deficit by taking in fewer calories than you use can be beneficial for total weight reduction, including trimming hip fat. It is essential to do this in a healthy and long-lasting way.
Adopting healthier habits like limiting sedentary activities, obtaining adequate rest, managing tension, and avoiding overindulgence in alcohol can help attain weight goals.
In certain circumstances, individuals might explore medical solutions such as liposuction or other cosmetic treatments to target problem areas with excess fat, including the hips. It is advised to speak to a qualified medical expert before pursuing these options.

Having a rounded, well-defined derriere is a common aspiration for those aiming to create a more contoured, aesthetically pleasing physique. Though the size and form of one's buttocks are largely determined by hereditary factors, there are a variety of methods available to help fill out and shape the backside. While many wish for a larger, more toned bottom, this aim can prove difficult due to additional fat and cellulite in the area.
&lt;h3&gt;Do You Know About Hip Fat?&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
Hip fat, otherwise referred to as gluteal fat, is an accumulation of fat around the hips &amp; buttocks. It's a problem area for many, especially women, due to a variety of causes including genetic predisposition, hormonal shifts, inactivity &amp; unhealthy consuming habits. Cellulite, a bumpy-textured skin often found in association with hip fat, is also common.
&lt;h3&gt;What's Effect of Diet on Hip Fat?&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
A balanced diet containing nutritious whole foods, lean proteins, fruits, veggies, and healthy fats is essential for managing hip fat. Creating a calorie deficit is necessary for weight loss, and minimizing consumption of processed foods, sugary snacks, and alcohol can help achieve healthier body composition.
&lt;h4&gt;Does Exercise Have Any Effect on Butt Fat?&lt;h4&gt;
<br />
Physical activity and specific exercises can be used to decrease fat around the hips and bolster muscle in the buttocks. Cardio, such as running, biking and swimming, can effectively burn calories and reduce total fat. Furthermore, strength training exercises like squats, lunges, and hip thrusts can help build muscle in the buttocks area, giving a more toned and full look. It's important to remember that the speed and extent of hip fat loss due to exercise may fluctuate across different people because of things like heredity, hormone levels, and body composition. To reduce hip fat, dedication and consistency are essential.
&lt;h4&gt;Can Hip Plastic Surgery Alter the Shape of the Buttocks?&lt;h4&gt;
<br />
Buttock augmentation, also referred to as gluteal augmentation or gluteoplasty, involves the use of implants or fat transfer to increase the size and shape of the buttocks. An experienced plastic surgeon is essential for setting realistic expectations while reducing the chances of potential complications. When executed correctly, hip plastic surgery can result in a natural, aesthetically pleasing appearance without looking overly exaggerated.
&lt;h4&gt;Can a Brazilian Butt Lift Provide Fuller Buttocks?&lt;h4&gt;
<br />
BBL is a widely-used operation which utilizes fat transfer to improve the shape and size of the derri&egrave;re. The method includes extracting fat via liposuction from other areas of the body and injecting it into the buttocks for a fuller and more organic-looking outcome. Not only can the process reduce fat on the hips, but it can also contribute to augmentation of the buttocks. Yet, it is essential to select a highly-qualified and experienced surgeon to minimize any potential risks and attain the best possible results.
Gaining a larger buttocks involves knowledge of the importance of hip fat, following a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, and looking into surgical techniques such as buttocks plastic surgery or a Brazilian butt lift. Eating right and physical activity can assist with body composition and lowering overall body fat, whereas surgical procedures provide more visible and targeted changes. It's critical to speak with experts to discover appropriate choices and make wise decisions based on each individual's objectives and conditions. Always bear in mind that promoting total health and wellness should be the basis of any transformation process.

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【日記】 The Secret to Titty Sex: What You Need to Know! Fri, 19 Apr 2024 18:39:46 +0900 2380978 https://poptorso.on.omisenomikata.jp/diary/2380978 &lt;h2 align="center"&gt;Titty sex is suitable for all ages.&lt;h2&gt;<br /><br /><br />In general, the process of intercourse lasts from a few seconds to half an hour, from the insertion of the penis to its gentle withdrawal after orgasm. which usually takes a few seconds or up to half an hour. The duration is dependent on age and body type, the average being approximately 5 minutes. Young people often have intense, brief intercourse, but without sexual stimulation they may not be able to maintain an engaging foreplay with titty sex. Adults tend to have a moderate session, able to maintain a mutual understanding of how to manage intercourse. This half-insertion method not only provides pleasure from friction, but also escalates the arousal of one's partner, inspiring them to act accordingly. Elderly people may find titty sex helpful due to potential vaginal dryness and other factors that limit their sexual intercourse. A mastery of sex entails recognizing the changing attraction between partners and using titty sex effectively.It's a pleasurable way to experience titty sex with&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/">sex doll torso</a>.<br />&lt;h2 align="center"&gt;Tit sex effect&lt;h2&gt;<br /><br /><br />The male penis does not penetrate the vagina; rather, it glides across the cleavage formed by the two breasts, stimulating the area to reach climax. Women may delight in enjoying the penis from varied perspectives, intensifying pleasure with their second set of sensitive regions. Why not try it and quicken the pleasure?Poptorso's&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/big-boobs-sex-dolls">big boobs sex doll</a>&nbsp;torso is the best way to you experience titty sex.<br />&lt;h3 align="center"&gt;Tit sex physiological needs&lt;h3&gt;<br /><br /><br />Breast tissue is highly sensitive and ranks behind only external genitalia in terms of sensitivity. Stimulating the nipples can heighten female arousal, while hugging and stroking breasts during sex usually provides a degree of satisfaction. Men are particularly drawn to voluptuous breasts, as they boast elastiscity that can be manipulated into a channel for the penis to rub against. This can provide pleasure for both genders, stimulating the glans and coronal sulcus of the male, while performing oral or vaginal sex on the female. Additionally, squeezing the breasts enhances tactile pleasure and further increases sexual excitement.<br /><a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/climax-doll-minnie"><img src="https://www.poptorso.com/cdn/shop/files/climax-doll-minnie01.webp?v=1691996142&amp;width=900" alt="Climax Doll Minnie Life Size Doggy Style Female Big Breast Booty TPE Torso" /></a><br />&lt;h3 align="center"&gt;Understanding the importance of titty sex&lt;h3&gt;<br /><br /><br />Titty sex is a close-range, visually stimulating activity that offers numerous benefits for sexual desire. A woman's hands are free to explore sensitive areas such as the man's testicles and frenulum, making it an intense, unconventional process. It rapidly hastens arousal, leads to the sexual platform stage, and ultimately reaches climax. Women with larger breasts and men with longer penises feel particularly confident during titty sex, which should still be kept relatively short as part of foreplay. This method of pleasure is suitable for all physical conditions, be it during menstruation, physical disability, limited space, or lack of privacy. Ultimately, titty sex ensures the fun of sex lives remains.<br />&lt;h3 align="center"&gt;Skills of the boob sex&lt;h3&gt;<br /><br /><br />1. Stimulate the nipples; hold the breast and rub the nipple around the penis' coronal sulcus, then its glans. When the woman is atop, use the drooping nipples to glide across the glans. Nipples are the most sensitive area on a female's body, so wiggling the breasts and stimulating the space between the nipples can increase libido through both sightand touch.<br />2. Once adequate lubrication has been applied, the male can straddle the female and place their penis directly below the breast, creating a "heart" shape. Insertion of the penis is then achieved via the cleavage, leading to a hot glans penetrating the channel and making its appearance above. This captivating sight is sure to create a stimulating atmosphere.<br />3. When the penis moves past the breasts, the woman often raises her head and opens her lips, often inhaling the glans with her mouth which is a pleasurable sensation.<br />4. The woman's one hand is strategically placed at the back to titillate the testicles, while the other hand taps the buttocks, regulating the tempo that is certainly entertaining.<br />5. The male member manipulates the double mammaries. At times it straddles the neckline, stimulating the double breasts against the scrotum and interior thighs. On other occasions, it is nestled between the female lips, providing double gratification.<br />6. Men can position the double breasts in two ways - spread apart or pinching of the double nipples. Gently establish a beat with your partner and take your time.<br />7. Remember to use sufficient lubrication for titty sex, kiss your partner, and aim to avoid lasting too long.<br /><br /><br /><br /><span><span>TRANSLATE with </span><img alt="" /></span> <span>x</span><br /><br /> <span>English</span><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><a>Arabic</a><br /><a>Hebrew</a><br /><a>Polish</a><br /><br /><br /><a>Bulgarian</a><br /><a>Hindi</a><br /><a>Portuguese</a><br /><br /><br /><a>Catalan</a><br /><a>Hmong Daw</a><br /><a>Romanian</a><br /><br /><br /><a>Chinese Simplified</a><br /><a>Hungarian</a><br /><a>Russian</a><br /><br /><br /><a>Chinese Traditional</a><br /><a>Indonesian</a><br /><a>Slovak</a><br /><br /><br /><a>Czech</a><br /><a>Italian</a><br /><a>Slovenian</a><br /><br /><br /><a>Danish</a><br /><a>Japanese</a><br /><a>Spanish</a><br /><br /><br /><a>Dutch</a><br /><a>Klingon</a><br /><a>Swedish</a><br /><br /><br /><a>English</a><br /><a>Korean</a><br /><a>Thai</a><br /><br /><br /><a>Estonian</a><br /><a>Latvian</a><br /><a>Turkish</a><br /><br /><br /><a>Finnish</a><br /><a>Lithuanian</a><br /><a>Ukrainian</a><br /><br /><br /><a>French</a><br /><a>Malay</a><br /><a>Urdu</a><br /><br /><br /><a>German</a><br /><a>Maltese</a><br /><a>Vietnamese</a><br /><br /><br /><a>Greek</a><br /><a>Norwegian</a><br /><a>Welsh</a><br /><br /><br /><a>Haitian Creole</a><br /><a>Persian</a><br />&nbsp;<br /><br /><br /><br /><img style="height: 7px; width: 17px; border-width: 0px; left: 20px;" alt="" /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><span><a title="Help" href="https://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9722454" target="_blank"> <img alt="" /></a> <a title="Get this widget for your own site"> <img alt="" /></a> <a title="Share translated page with friends"> <img alt="" /></a> </span><br />&nbsp;<br /><br /><span>TRANSLATE with </span><img alt="" /><br /><br /><span> COPY THE URL BELOW </span><br /> <img alt="" /><br /><span> <img alt="" /></span> <span><a title="Back To Translation"> Back</a></span><br /> <br /><br /><span>EMBED THE SNIPPET BELOW IN YOUR SITE</span> <img alt="" /><br /><br /><span>Enable collaborative features and customize widget: <a href="http://www.bing.com/widget/translator" target="_blank">Bing Webmaster Portal</a></span><br /><span><a title="Back To Translation">Back</a></span><br /><br /><br />

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【日記】 Exploring the Benefits of Tantaly Sex Doll Torsos Wed, 10 Apr 2024 19:17:50 +0900 2379219 https://poptorso.on.omisenomikata.jp/diary/2379219 Welcome to PopTorso, where discretion, pleasure, and options reign supreme with our exclusive Tantaly&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/">sex doll torso</a>&nbsp;collection. Our&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/tantaly">Tantaly</a>&nbsp;torsos are expertly crafted to fulfill various sexual desires, whether you prefer a portable toy or a more diverse experience. Choose from an array of seductive options that will leave you in awe, ranging from petite and perky to voluptuous and irresistible.
<img src="https://www.poptorso.com/cdn/shop/products/tantaly-monroe01.webp?v=1679455400&amp;width=1000" alt="Tantaly Monroe" />
<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/tantaly-monroe-fair-2-0">Monroe Tantaly</a>
Discover pure satisfaction with Monroe: the&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/i-cup-sex-doll-torso">I-cup sex doll</a>&nbsp;torso designed to meet all your desires. Measuring just 2-ft 9 in tall, this lifelike sex toy is the perfect intimate partner for unlocking your innermost pleasures.
<img src="https://www.poptorso.com/cdn/shop/products/tantaly-channing01_b02c2a84-ae98-4058-92da-e405423dafdc.webp?v=1682329438&amp;width=1000" alt="Tantaly Channing" />
<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/tantaly-channing-wheat">Channing Tantaly</a>
When searching for a Tantaly male torso, consider buying Channing, a realistic trans sex doll torso. This fabulous Tantaly&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/male-dolls">male sex doll</a>&nbsp;offers a unique experience and can enhance any intimate encounter.
<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/tantaly-miki"><img src="https://www.poptorso.com/cdn/shop/files/Q-005-0025_MikiFair_01.webp?v=1687240397&amp;width=800" alt="Tantaly Miki" /></a>
<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/tantaly-miki">Miki Tantaly</a>
Looking to enhance your private pleasure experiences? Meet Miki, one of our flawless Tantaly dolls designed for easy transport with no limbs. With E-cup breasts and a full vulva, you can fully explore this premium torso and indulge in unparalleled sexual gratification.
&lt;h2&gt;Explore the Distinctive Attributes and Characteristics of Tantaly's Sex Doll Torsos on PopTorso&lt;h2&gt;
<br />
Discover the unique features of Tantaly torso dolls exclusively available at PopTorso. Explore a world of pleasure and intimacy as you experience the customized features and lifelike touch of these&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/premium-sex-doll-torso">premium sex dolls</a>. Fulfill your desires like never before with the PopTorso sex doll torso collection.

Premium quality: The torsos are constructed using high-quality materials to provide a highly realistic experience that will surpass your expectations.
Realistic sensations: The Tantaly sexy doll collection's torsos are flexible and soft, providing a realistic simulation of human skin.
Portability and convenience: Tantaly sex doll torsos have been thoughtfully designed to be both compact and lightweight, making storage and transportation a breeze. Their lightweight build allows for convenient carrying and discreet storage.
Versatile intimacy: Explore various sexual desires and fulfill them with Tantaly sex dolls. Uncover diverse sensations and satiate all of your cravings.
Easy maintenance: Cleaning a Tantaly sex doll torso is effortless thanks to its compact surface area for cleaning.

&lt;h3&gt;Discover the practical attributes of Tantaly sex doll torsos.&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
Experience unparalleled pleasure with each Tantaly sex doll torso from PopTorso. These exquisitely crafted torsos offer an incredibly realistic feel and are sure to enhance your intimate experiences. Discover the reasons why customers are raving about the Tantaly doll in their reviews of this lifelike sex toy.

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【日記】 Anally Awesome: How to Get Ready for Butt Play Wed, 03 Apr 2024 18:03:43 +0900 2377890 https://poptorso.on.omisenomikata.jp/diary/2377890 Discover the proper way to engage in anal sex to ensure a pleasurable and safe experience for both partners. This activity involves inserting the penis, fingers, or a sex toy into the anus and requires preparation and safety precautions for ultimate satisfaction. Our blog post covers the various types of anal sex, tips for preparation, and the necessity of using condoms. PopTorso provides&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/">sex doll torso</a>&nbsp;in various styles and sizes. Our plump and sexy&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/european-sex-dolls">European sex dolls</a>, big breasts, and&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/big-ass-sex-dolls">big ass sex dolls</a>&nbsp;can meet your needs for experiencing anal sex.
<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/clm-h60-climax-hazel-usa"><img src="https://ueeshop.ly200-cdn.com/u_file/UPAU/UPAU976/2312/18/photo/H60-Torso-HazelCinnamon8.jpg?x-oss-process=image/format,webp" alt="Climax H60# Sex Doll Torso Hazel" /></a>
&lt;h2&gt;Prepare for Anal Sex Step by Step: Why Showering is Essential&lt;h2&gt;
<br />
Prepare your body for anal sex by taking a warm shower beforehand. This will help to relax your muscles and make the experience more enjoyable. It's important to wash your anus with warm water and mild soap, focusing on the surrounding areas as well.
<br />
An enema is a method used for introducing fluid into the rectum in order to clear out the lower intestine. This can be achieved using a large syringe or a specialized kit. Its primary goal is to purify the rectum and eliminate any waste or buildup that could impede pleasurable anal intercourse.
&lt;h3&gt;In order to administer an enema, please abide by the provided guidelines:&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
Prepare the enema bag or syringe by filling it with warm, mildly salted water as instructed by the merchant.
Position yourself on your left side, with your left leg fully extended and your right leg bent in front of you.
Carefully insert the enema tip into the anus and gently squeeze the plunger or bulb to release the fluid.
The fluid is meant to flow through your rectum, as you relax your body.
Ensure that the water is clear and your bowels are completely emptied by repeating the process until this is achieved.
Using warm water, gently cleanse your anus to remove any remaining residue.

The enema should be well-lubricated to minimize discomfort and friction. Water-based or anal-specific lubricants are recommended for use.
&lt;h3&gt;Utilize a substantial amount of lubricant.&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
For a safe and enjoyable experience, it is crucial to use an appropriate amount of lube during anal sex. Consider using a water-based or silicone-based lube specifically designed for anal sex, as oil-based lubes can damage latex condoms and increase the risk of infection.
For maximum comfort and pleasure, make sure to apply a significant amount of lube to both the anus and the inserted object. It is also recommended to periodically reapply lube as necessary to minimize friction.
When it comes to anal sex, it is important to have a thorough understanding of the different types, properly preparing your body with a shower and enema, and utilizing ample lubrication. By adhering to these guidelines, you can enhance comfort and minimize any potential complications. It is crucial to use condoms at all times for protection against sexually transmitted infections.

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【日記】 Why Retired Couples Love PopTorso Sex Doll Torso? Thu, 21 Mar 2024 20:32:36 +0900 2375301 https://poptorso.on.omisenomikata.jp/diary/2375301 In this blog, we will explore the rise of&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/">torso sex dolls</a>&nbsp;for retired couples. While these&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/full-size-sex-doll-torso-full-body-sexy-love-toy">life size sex dolls</a>&nbsp;have become a popular tool for enhancing intimacy and bringing excitement to relationships, manufacturers are adapting to changing societal norms and preferences by discontinuing certain models designed specifically for couples.
<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/climax-doll-joana"><img src="https://ueeshop.ly200-cdn.com/u_file/UPAU/UPAU976/2312/27/photo/Si-BL-Torso-Suntan10.jpg?x-oss-process=image/format,webp" alt="Climax Doll Joana Lifelike Big Boobs Sex Torso Realistic Sexy Real Love Dolls" /></a>
&lt;h2&gt;Possible factors for retired couples&lt;h2&gt;
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There has been a notable rise in the use of sex dolls for couples, primarily due to the heightened demand for them. This may be attributed to society's growing acceptance of individual sexual exploration and the desire for dolls that are tailored to couples' experiences.
The adult entertainment industry has been greatly impacted by the growth of virtual reality technology. With VR headsets, couples can now engage in virtual sexual experiences and enhance their intimate moments with the use of sex dolls. This technological shift has resulted in a significant increase in the demand for sex dolls among couples.
Moreover, the growing awareness of ethical considerations surrounding the sexuality of retired couples justifies the utilization of&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/female-sex-dolls">female sex dolls</a>. Certain retired people have expressed worries about a lack of intimacy with their partners and the potential for perpetuating negative attitudes towards intimacy. As a result,&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/busty-sex-dolls">busty sex dolls</a>&nbsp;for couples have been proposed as a solution to address these ethical concerns.
&lt;h3&gt;Effects on Romantic Partners&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
Sex dolls for couples can have a positive impact on society, indicating a growth in sexual preferences and attitudes. Additionally, they can improve relationships and serve as a supplemental aid for retired couples seeking physical intimacy. It is a valuable resource for professional counseling.
As society evolves and technology advances, sex dolls for retired couples are becoming a more accepted and sought-after way to explore personal desires and fantasies. These dolls and accompanying virtual reality experiences offer couples a unique way to enhance their intimacy and explore new levels of growth together.

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【日記】 Removable vs. Fixed Vaginas on Sex Dolls: How to Dry? Fri, 15 Mar 2024 17:59:36 +0900 2374114 https://poptorso.on.omisenomikata.jp/diary/2374114 As a&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/">sex doll torso</a>&nbsp;or adult toy industry expert, it is important to understand the rapid growth and evolution of the sex toy industry. With varying forms, functions, and materials, sex dolls are tailored to meet the diverse needs and desires of consumers. Those who own these love companions seek pleasure, sexual wellness, and intimacy enhancement, making proper care and maintenance crucial in ensuring their longevity and prioritizing hygiene and cleanliness. It is important to follow specific techniques for drying a sex doll's vagina to ensure safe use.
&lt;h2&gt;Choose from two different types of Love Doll Vaginas: Removable or Fixed.&lt;h2&gt;
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Factors such as frequency of use, personal preference, and convenience for cleaning after each use, can all impact the decision between a fixed or removable sex doll vagina.
Removable Vaginas
The removable fake vagina, designed to enhance sexual activities, can easily be inserted and removed from the designated cavity in the&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/female-sex-dolls">female sex doll</a>. With a smooth exterior and textured interior, it provides stability during use. Available in various widths, lengths, and textures, these removable fake vaginas can be easily switched on the same doll.
Fixed Vaginas
The implanted artificial vagina is a popular option among&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/full-size-sex-doll-torso-full-body-sexy-love-toy">life size sex doll</a>&nbsp;owners for its firm and authentic sensation during sexual encounters. The built-in feature allows for easy tension adjustment by adjusting the doll's legs, mimicking a real partner. This choice streamlines the experience, freeing you to focus on personal pleasure without extra preparations.
<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/aiyuan-cassina"><img src="https://www.poptorso.com/cdn/shop/files/aiyuan-cassina09.jpg?v=1706514217&amp;width=800" alt="Big Ass Masturbator Torso Sex Doll For Men AiYuan Cassina" /></a>
&lt;h3&gt;How To Dry a Removable Vagina on a Sex Doll&lt;h3&gt;
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As an industry expert, it is important to note that cleaning a removable vagina is a more straightforward process compared to fixed vaginas. This is due to the fact that it involves a few simple steps:
When compared to fixed vaginas, cleaning a removable vagina is a simpler process. It involves the following steps:

Remove the reproductive organ and submerge it in a basin of warm water, cleansing both the outer and inner areas with a gentle antibacterial soap.
To effectively dry the vagina, cover it with an absorbent cloth that leaves no residue. Gently pat the area to remove excess moisture and allow it to air dry completely.
The TPE powder should be applied using a soft brush to the interior and exterior of the vaginal area, as well as the lips and clitoris of the doll.

&lt;h3&gt;How To Dry a Fixed Vagina on a Sex Doll&lt;h3&gt;
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In order to ensure proper maintenance, it is essential to thoroughly clean and dry the vagina of a sex doll, particularly if it is non-removable. To effectively clean a fixed vagina, it is recommended to use a set of tools such as a watering can, mild soap, and a microfiber cloth. This will ensure optimal cleanliness and hygiene for the&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/busty-sex-dolls">busty sex doll</a>.

Surface Cleaning: Use a combination of a mild soap and water to carefully cleanse the exterior of the&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/big-ass-sex-dolls">big ass sex doll</a>. Pay special attention to areas that may have been exposed to bodily fluids or other potentially harmful substances. Once clean, gently pat the doll dry with a soft towel and allow it to air dry completely.
Disinfection: Follow the merchant's instructions to properly sanitize your doll. Use antibacterial solutions or disinfectant wipes to clean all cracks and seams, preventing bacterial infections. Antibacterial wipes are effective and convenient, leaving no residue behind. For a thorough internal clean, use the included pump and drying stick while the doll is upright.
Damage Check: Ensure the integrity of your sex doll by inspecting for any cracks or damage before use. Keep an eye out for potential damage and address it promptly to prevent further destruction and bacterial spread. Treat the doll delicately, particularly if it is made of TPE material, to avoid strain on joints and seams. Take precautions when moving or holding the doll to minimize stress.

&lt;h3&gt;Proper Drying is Essential for Maintaining Your Sex Doll: Avoid the Consequences of Neglecting This Important Step.&lt;h3&gt;
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Properly drying a sex doll's vagina is crucial to maintaining sexual health and overall well-being. Neglecting to clean sex dolls after use can lead to dangerous bacterial growth and even deterioration of materials over time. To avoid potential issues and reduce the risk of STI transmission, it is important to follow proper cleaning and drying procedures for sex toys.
Proper and frequent cleaning of sex toys is not only a question of personal hygiene but it is also crucial in preventing health issues and ensuring a safe and pleasurable sexual experience. At PopTorso, we prioritize the upkeep and care of your intimate companions. Our website offers a range of care products specifically designed for your sex dolls, which will enhance your overall experience. If you are unsure about how to properly dry your sex doll's vagina, our team of experts is always available to assist you.

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【日記】 The Ultimate Solution for Couples: PopTorso Sex Dolls! Thu, 07 Mar 2024 11:14:37 +0900 2372456 https://poptorso.on.omisenomikata.jp/diary/2372456 PopTorso&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/">sex doll torso</a>&nbsp;have gained popularity among couples for many reasons, providing a distinctive and satisfying sexual encounter for both partners. Here's why couples should consider owning one.
&lt;h2&gt;Enhanced intimacy experience&lt;h2&gt;
<br />
PopTorso Sex dolls provide couples with a secure and supervised outlet to explore their sexual fantasies and desires. Through trying various positions, activities, and sensations, they can experience increased sexual satisfaction and intimacy within their relationship.
&lt;h2&gt;Ensure Safe and Hygienic Practices&lt;h2&gt;
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Sexual health is an essential aspect for every couple, and sex dolls are an effective way to safely and hygienically enjoy intimate moments. Unlike real partners, sex dolls are not at risk of contracting or transmitting STDs, ensuring worry-free sexual encounters and promoting a healthier sexual connection.
&lt;h3&gt;Dealing with Sexual Difficulties&lt;h3&gt;
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Sex dolls can be a practical solution for couples facing sexual challenges due to physical limitations, medical conditions, or emotional issues. They are especially beneficial for dealing with difficulties in achieving orgasm or experiencing erectile dysfunction, providing a "third party" to facilitate sexual pleasure and improve overall sexual satisfaction.
<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/fire-b2-taylor"><img src="https://www.poptorso.com/cdn/shop/files/fire-b2-taylor05.webp?v=1703581706&amp;width=800" alt="Fire Taylor Sex Doll Torso" /></a>
&lt;h3&gt;Maintaining Intimacy and Connection&lt;h3&gt;
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In committed partnerships, individuals' sexual desires may vary, potentially causing periods of dryness or reduced intimacy. Introducing sex dolls to these moments can aid couples in sustaining their bond and closeness. By engaging in sexual experiences with dolls, partners can fulfill their sexual needs while also nurturing their relationship. This can mitigate feelings of detachment and bitterness, promoting a strong foundation for their partnership.
&lt;h3&gt;Discover New Sexual Fantasies&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
PopTorso Sex Dolls allow couples to safely explore and fulfill their sexual desires in a controlled manner. With customizable body details and colors, these&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/full-size-sex-doll-torso-full-body-sexy-love-toy">life size sex dolls</a>&nbsp;offer a safe and non-judgmental environment for role-playing, BDSM, and other unconventional fantasies. Available exclusively at PopTorso.
&lt;h4&gt;Enhancing Communication and Building Trust&lt;h4&gt;
<br />
Utilizing open and transparent communication when addressing sexual needs and desires is crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship. By incorporating sex dolls into discussions about preferences, fantasies, and past experiences, couples can enhance their mutual understanding of one another's wants and needs. As a result, this can foster a deeper level of intimacy and strengthen the bond between partners.
Sex dolls can serve a multitude of benefits for couples, allowing them to enhance their sexual experiences, maintain intimacy and connection, explore new fantasies, and promote communication and trust. Incorporating sex dolls into a sexual relationship can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying sex life while also promoting safer and more hygienic practices.

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【日記】 Master the Art of Oral Sex: Best Blow Job Techniques Mon, 26 Feb 2024 11:55:08 +0900 2370327 https://poptorso.on.omisenomikata.jp/diary/2370327 When it comes to blow jobs, many people feel anxious or unsure about their skills. It's important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner, as there is no one right way to do it. Seeking tips and practice can help improve your skills, such as attending a blow job class hosted by a sex expert like Master Dominic. Let's dive into what we learned. Poptorso offers a variety of&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/oral-blowjob-sex-doll">oral sex doll</a>&nbsp;styles, allowing you to try different blowjob techniques.We have&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/big-boobs-sex-dolls">big boobs sex doll</a>, full size sex dolls, big ass sex dolls,&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/european-sex-dolls">European sex doll</a>&nbsp;ect. A&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/">sex doll torso</a>&nbsp;is a well worth the investment for practicing your oral sex skills.
<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/clm-870-climax-torso-fukada"><img src="https://www.poptorso.com/cdn/shop/files/clm-870-climax-torso-fukada03.webp?v=1700188980&amp;width=800" alt="CLM 870# Climax Fukada Sex Torso" /></a>
&lt;h2&gt;How to give a good blow job?&lt;h2&gt;
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<strong>Do: Be enthusiastic</strong>
According to Dominic, it is crucial for receivers to be fully involved and consenting in any sexual activity. It is important to remember that men and individuals with penises value more than just sexual satisfaction. Quality over quantity is key, with one amazing blow job every three months being preferred over an average one once a week. As a receiver, being in the right mindset is crucial for a fulfilling experience. Engaging in sexual activities just for the sake of it can be unsatisfying and feel like a mere obligation.
<strong>Don't: Forget to warm up</strong>
The merchant advises against immediately engaging in sexual intercourse. According to expert Dominic, "a male's sex drive stems from a primal desire to penetrate." In essence, one should capitalize on this instinct and prolong the act of oral sex.
Provide a pleasurable hand job with the use of sufficient lubrication to ensure their comfort and satisfaction. However, it's recommended to keep the initial foreplay brief, lasting only a minute or two.
Follow a professional and educational tone of voice while using scientific and objective language. Optimize sensation by only using hand movements from the tip of the penis to the base, avoiding up and down movements. This will enhance the experience when using mouth movements for the first time.
<strong>Do: Use Lube</strong>
Ensuring proper lubrication is crucial for all sexual activities. Not only does it enhance sensation, but it also minimizes the risk of discomfort, soreness, and injury. Consider using a water-based lube, which is safe to use with sex toys and condoms. Opt for natural options like Sliquid, as they are free from irritants and chemicals and are vegan-friendly. Keep in mind that while silicone-based lubes provide longer-lasting lubrication, they can damage condoms and may not be compatible with silicone toys.
As an expert in this industry, I would like to remind you that the design of the penis is intended to be stimulated by a vagina. Therefore, in order to replicate this environment, keep in mind that it should be warm, tight and wet. Additionally, using saliva can also enhance the experience. Trust me, I have never felt that my penis was too slimy during sexual activity.
<strong>Don't: Forget about your positioning</strong>
For better results, have your partner sit up straight or stand up during the act. As many with penises are highly visual, keeping a clear view of the action will enhance the experience. Additionally, maintain constant physical contact with at least one, ideally both hands on them. This extra stimulation will surely please them.
<strong>Do: Start with just the tip of the penis</strong>
Dominic advises beginning by gently placing your lips around their penis and only focusing on the tip for initial insertions, as it is a highly sensitive area. Don't feel pressured to try deep throating unless you are naturally able to do so, as it is not necessary and can be uncomfortable if you have a smaller mouth. Don't worry about using your tongue too much, as its natural movements are enough to enhance the experience.
<strong>Don't: Ignore the rest of the body</strong>
Be sure to communicate with your partner and obtain their consent before touching any sensitive areas, such as the penis, balls, or top 1/3 of the leg. Keep in mind that everyone's body is unique and some may have more sensitive balls, so always ask for enthusiastic consent before proceeding.

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【日記】 The Surprising Benefits of Using Sex Dolls for Your Physical Health Sat, 24 Feb 2024 11:12:36 +0900 2370017 https://poptorso.on.omisenomikata.jp/diary/2370017 As a&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/">sex doll torso</a>&nbsp;expert, it is important to acknowledge the taboo associated with the use of sex dolls in our society. However, we have made strides in overcoming other societal limitations, making it unfair to judge individuals' personal preferences and desires. Surprisingly, sex dolls have been found to have a positive impact on users' health, highlighting the numerous benefits of these sexual aids.
Looking for a unique and high-quality sex doll? Look no further than PopTorso, the ultimate choice with customizable options from various manufacturers. Discover the potential positive benefits of owning a&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/full-size-sex-doll-torso-full-body-sexy-love-toy">life size sex doll</a>&nbsp;and embrace your confidence with our medical-grade TPE or silicone material.
&lt;h2&gt;Discover the Advantages of Using a Sex Doll&lt;h2&gt;
<br />
Sex dolls are becoming increasingly popular as people discover their numerous benefits. The ownership of a sex doll is associated with a profound and intricate psychology, which leads to diverse physical and emotional advantages for users. These sex doll torsos provide a secure setting for exploring intimacy, which can help enhance relationships or reignite passion between couples. When utilized appropriately and with good intention, the benefits of using sex dolls far outweigh any potential drawbacks.
<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/climax-jacob-clm-bw82-torso"><img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0730/5602/6946/files/BW82-torsoSuntan4-5c1b.webp?v=1702541279" alt="Climax Doll Jacob CLM BW82# Realistic Big Boobs Sex Torso Real Love Dolls" /></a>
&lt;h3&gt;Psychological Benefits of Owning a Sex Doll&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
What are the advantages of owning a sex doll? The impact and benefits of sex dolls on individuals can vary. Numerous sex doll owners have reported finding a sense of comfort and security in the companionship of their&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/bbw-sex-dolls">BBW sex doll</a>, often providing a helpful outlet for personal issues.
Sexual Fulfillment
Many men struggle to perform sexually due to pressure from their partners, which can cause insecurity and discomfort. To alleviate these issues, a&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/busty-sex-dolls">busty sex doll</a>&nbsp;offers a safe and unbiased space for experimenting and understanding your pleasure without feeling pressured. With the use of a sex doll, you can confidently explore and satisfy your sexual desires.
Reduced Stress and Anxiety
Experience feelings of calmness and relaxation by using a sex doll, as it can release endorphins and oxytocin, two chemicals that are linked to pleasure and bonding. This can help reduce stress and anxiety, which are known to have negative effects on your heart's health. Sexual activity with sex dolls can serve as a practical solution for releasing endorphins and relieving sexual arousal, ultimately promoting a sense of well-being for the body.
Improved Communication Experience
Some individuals who struggle to find sexual partners in person may experience negative emotions of regret and isolation, which can lead to harmful mental health issues. In such circumstances, using a sex doll may have a positive impact on individuals who have trouble connecting with others, such as seniors, individuals with disabilities, or those with social anxiety. By doing so, they can experience a sense of intimacy without fear of judgment or insecurity. Sex dolls offer a suitable outlet for those seeking to overcome feelings of loneliness, as opposed to traditional methods.
Higher Sense of Worth
A sense of self-worth and confidence can be gained through self-awareness and acceptance. In situations where a partner's support is lacking, it can be difficult to acknowledge one's desires. Owning a sex doll provides the opportunity to explore hidden fantasies and fetishes that may not be possible with a partner. This can lead to increased confidence, self-acceptance, and a better understanding of one's own sexual desires. Overall, this can contribute to a healthier psychological state.
Playing Safe
Many individuals fear loss and heartbreak, leading them to seek solace in sex dolls. Owning a&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/big-ass-sex-dolls">big ass sex doll</a>&nbsp;can provide a sense of security and remove the fear of loneliness. With a sex doll, people can find companionship and support without the risk of rejection. This unique bond with a sex doll often results in contentment and joy, offering a haven from the challenges of romantic relationships.
&lt;h3&gt;Are Sex Dolls Beneficial for Emotional Well-Being?&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
By thoroughly analyzing the benefits of owning a sex doll, one can conclude that it has a positive impact on emotional well-being. Engaging in self-pleasure and feeling empowered through the use of a sex doll can improve sexual connections and result in a heightened sense of happiness and satisfaction. Additionally, the intimate bond between user and doll allows for discreet exploration of one's sexuality without the guilt or shame often associated with other methods. The lack of rejection from a sex doll allows for more freedom of expression, further contributing to improved emotional health.
&lt;h3&gt;Physical Health Benefits of Dolls&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
Sex dolls not only positively impact mental health, but also improve physical well-being. Recent research suggests that frequent ejaculation may decrease the risk of prostate cancer by removing potentially harmful substances from the prostate. Studies are still being done to establish a link between certain STDs and a higher risk of prostate cancer.
Discover the potential benefits of using sex dolls and feel at ease with your preferences while exploring the various features they offer. Through customization, users can tap into their creativity and sexual liberation while avoiding judgment and complications of real relationships. Whether it's to reduce stress levels or find companionship and connection, sex dolls provide a fulfilling outlet for personal desires. Learn more at PopTorso and find the perfect companion for your journey.

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【日記】 Who Knew Ass Doll Sex? A Beginner Guide to Anal Sex Sat, 17 Feb 2024 12:15:19 +0900 2368513 https://poptorso.on.omisenomikata.jp/diary/2368513 &lt;h2&gt;How to Make Anal Sex Fun?&lt;h2&gt;
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What is Anal Sex: Anal intercourse involves a male penetrator inserting his penis into the anus of his partner (male or female). When engaging in this intimate activity, it is imperative to wear condoms as there is still a risk of transmitting sexually transmitted infections and a female can conceive if her partner's ejaculate makes contact with her vagina.<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/">Sex doll torso</a>&nbsp;that allow you to experience the fun of anal sex.
People engage in anal intercourse for a multitude of reasons, most commonly because of the physical sensations it provides. Additionally, many women who had AI said it was more intimate than vaginal sex and they only shared it with certain partners. Anal sex refers to any activity involving the insertion of a penis, toy, or fingers into the anus. This can also include "rimming," which is the stimulation of the anus with the mouth. Although some believe anal sex is a solely homosexual act, both gay and straight couples partake in it frequently. After surveying over 2,000 men and women in the US, the researchers discovered that 42% of men and 38% of women reported having anal intercourse with the opposite sex at least once.Our&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/anal-sex-dolls">anal sex doll</a>&nbsp;is very suitable for you to experience the fun of anal sex!
&lt;h3&gt;Guidelines for Having Anal Sex for the First Time: Steps and Advice&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
Venturing into anal sex for the first time can vary greatly from person to person. Exploring your body and sex play within the realm of anal can elicit an array of pleasure, so it is best to do whatever feels right. If , however, you are uncertain of where to begin, the following is a general overview of how anal intercourse typically plays out.

Begin with intimate activities to increase arousal; if desired, move on to oral and vaginal sex, remembering to switch condoms before engaging in anal intercourse.
Gently stimulate the anal area by massaging and stroking it without penetration. If you're being pleasured, focus on the pleasing feelings and be mindful of the pleasantness arising. If you're the giver, make sure your partner is relaxed.
Apply lubricant liberally to both the penis and anus. Begin by inserting the penis slowly and carefully, withdrawing slightly in between each insertion. Once the penis is entirely within the anus, stop at once if either partner experiences any pain or discomfort. It's essential that both individuals remain comfortable, relaxed, and aroused.
To begin, strive for a relaxed rate and adjust as necessary. Anal intercourse should only be as long as is desired and shouldn't be compelled to conclude with ejaculation. Additionally, vaginal and oral sex (with a freshly changed condom) can always be substituted if either partner prefers or necessitates a break.

These instructions are written for two partners, but can be adapted for use with toys, fingers, or solo anal stimulation. This allows anyone, regardless of anatomy, to enjoy anal masturbation.
&lt;h3&gt;Top 5 Sex Toys for Anal Sex&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
&lt;strong data-sanitized-data-mce-fragment="1"&gt;Doc Johnson Mood Naughty 2
This sex toy is a great value, made of durable materials and provides sensation of P-spot stimulation and fullness. However, advanced users may find it too small and, unfortunately, it does have a tendency to retain unwanted odors.
<strong>Njoy Pure Plug</strong>
This butt plug is available in three sizes, making it an ideal option for gamers of any experience. As it is aesthetically pleasing and straightforward to clean, the testers found the plug provided a sensation of fullness and prostate stimulation. Remarkably, it stayed in place during the trial, greatly satisfying the participants.
&lt;strong data-sanitized-data-mce-fragment="1"&gt;Tantus Perfect Plug Kit
This plug provides the perfect level of stimulation for those curious about anal play. The medium plug offers an extra layer of stimulation with its vibration, while the small plug is slim enough to be comfortable, even for those completely new to anal play. The thin plug is a suitable option for those inexperienced with anal play, while the vibrating plug is sized and shaped perfectly for those who want a more intermediate level of play. Though this plug may be too small for advanced players, it's a perfect size for those starting out.
<strong>Male Sex Doll and Shemale Sex Doll</strong>
Advances in engineering have made male sex dolls and shemale male sex dolls much more realistic than those available years ago, enabling the purchase of lifelike trans dolls for anal sex. If you're just starting out, the Male sex doll and shemale male sex doll are excellent options with their affordable cost and lightweight design. Expect amazing anal sex with these products!
Using sex toys has multiple benefits, regardless of relationship status. Sexual pleasure increases, sexual performance is improved, relationships are strengthened, mental health is improved, and diseases can be prevented.

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【日記】 Obsessed with Big Booty? Tips for Your Big Booty Sex Dol Torso! Tue, 30 Jan 2024 18:00:06 +0900 2365270 https://poptorso.on.omisenomikata.jp/diary/2365270 Sex dolls have seen remarkable transformations in the last few years, providing a near-realistic experience that was formerly inconceivable. Of the different varieties of&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/">sex doll torso</a>&nbsp;out there, big booty sex dolls have grown notably well-liked. These&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/female-sex-dolls">female sex doll</a>&nbsp;boast a full-bodied shape, highlighted by a curvaceous backside that tantalizes the senses. This post investigates the appeal of&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/big-ass-sex-dolls">big booty sex doll</a>, examining their allure and the enjoyment they provide.
&lt;h2&gt;Increasing Appeal Created by Fascination with Big Booty&lt;h2&gt;
<br />
Research has long been conducted to explore physical attraction. One standout area of study is the attractiveness of a "big ass" to men. While this matter should be handled delicately, it is necessary to consider the psychological, natural, and cultural aspects that might play a role in men's appeal to curvier figures.
From a biological standpoint
From an evolutionary perspective, males may be drawn to larger body features such as wider hips and curvier torsos due to instinctual desires for healthier progeny. Historically, these physical characteristics have been associated with fertility and the capacity to bear offspring, which can subconsciously influence mate selection.
Psychological Factors
Psychological reasons for a preference for the "big ass" may vary among individuals, but can be tied to unique experiences, societal pressures, and media exposure. Personal experiences, social influences, and their collective portrayal in the media are likely responsible for the current popularity of curves in the culture. Music, movies, and fashion trends have certainly had an impact on how men view attraction.
Cultural Influences
Through the ages, cultural values have dictated which body types are celebrated. In certain societies, fuller figures have been seen to symbolize wealth, health, and beauty. As a result, men's attraction to those with a "big ass" may be affected by these cultural ideals.
<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/sigafun-hannah-silicone-sex-torso"><img src="https://www.poptorso.com/cdn/shop/files/sigafun-hannah-silicone-sex-torso02.webp?v=1698394874&amp;width=1000" alt="Sigafun Hannah SG-T-014 Chubby Curvy Life Size Love Dolls Female Sex Torso Toy " /></a>
&lt;h3&gt;The Enhanced Aesthetic Appeal&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
Big booty sex dolls have seen a surge in popularity due to their captivating visuals. These&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/full-size-sex-doll-torso-full-body-sexy-love-toy">life size sex dolls</a>&nbsp;are aesthetically engineered with a curvaceous figure, focused particularly in the posterior region. While this adds an eye-catching silhouette, it also grants a realistic appearance to the product. For many, a big booty evokes feelings of sensuality and power, reflected in various forms of art and media. Big booty sex dolls capitalize on this allure by providing lifelike representations of these desires. Furthermore, this aesthetic appeal permits an individual to explore their tastes and needs, with the option to customize and tailor the experience.
&lt;h3&gt;The Pleasurable Experience&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
Big booty sex dolls are prized for their visually appealing shape and satisfying sensual experience. The curves and texture of the buttocks provide a realistic and pleasing tactile experience. The supple skin and firmness make for a lifelike experience that offers an added level of intimacy and pleasure. These dolls can also come with advanced features, such as heating elements that mimic body warmth, and internal structures that give a tighter feel for increased pleasure.
&lt;h3&gt;Connection to Emotions and Mental Health Benefits&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
Contrary to assumption, the popularity of big booty sex dolls goes beyond physical pleasure. Many users form an emotional bond with their doll, providing solace and companionship. This kind of physical and emotional connection helps them understand themselves better and accept their desires. Big booty sex dolls attract attention due to their aesthetics, the sensual pleasure they offer, and their potential to foster relationships. People have different opinions on the matter, yet it is important to understand and value the different preferences. These&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/bbw-sex-dolls">BBW sex doll</a>&nbsp;offer a safe, non-judgmental way to explore fantasies and express oneself. As technology develops, the looks and sensations of big booty sex dolls are expected to improve, providing an ever lifelike experience.

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【日記】 The Most Exciting Way to Buy a Sex Doll Torso For Your Husband Tue, 23 Jan 2024 18:36:28 +0900 2364010 https://poptorso.on.omisenomikata.jp/diary/2364010 When you hear about torso sex dolls, you may think of horror movies or shocking images. In reality, sex dolls are becoming more normal as couples explore alternatives to spice up their sex lives. Still, this is a decision that involves careful consideration of many factors - from health risks to ethical questions. Our blog takes a deep-dive into the pros and cons of buying sex dolls for your husband or partner. Read on to understand the issues and consider the impacts before taking action.
&lt;h2&gt;Why Buy Sex Dolls for Your Husband?&lt;h2&gt;
<br />
For couples considering purchasing a&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/">sex doll torso</a>&nbsp;for the husband, there are many advantages. Lightweight dolls can be easily stored, moved, and provide five main benefits to the marriage, including the potential to help with achieving satisfaction in bed, exploring non-traditional sexualities, and providing pleasure in situations where shared desires are absent. Furthermore, these petite dolls can be a welcome relief for those concerned with the weight of their doll.

Sex dolls can revive bedroom energy. If your partner isn't open to sex, getting one might help bring about a change. They can become more laid-back and candid in regards to sex, and you both could find yourselves enjoying intercourse more often. Consider what your S.O. prefers to do with the&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/sexy-sex-dolls">sexy sex doll</a>, then try it out in the bedroom.
Torso sexdolls can provide husbands with novel pleasure possibilities. Men may hesitate to use penetrative toys due to unfamiliarity, but these dolls offer different types of enjoyable experiences that many men haven't had before. With the included instructions, husbands can learn the various ways to take pleasure from their doll, be it through oral, vaginal, or anal stimulation, so they can have a great time!
Men who struggle with their sexuality can find confidence by owning a&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/bbw-sex-dolls">BBW sex doll</a>, allowing them to explore their desires safely and without embarrassment. With the doll as a companion, your husband can recognize that he isn't alone and gain assurance in how to enjoy sex in a healthy and positive way.
Sex dolls can provide a comfortable way for couples to experiment with their sexual activities. It can allow one partner who may be reluctant to explore new experiences in bed to do so without fear of judgement. This can help break away from the same old routine of traditional sex and open up new opportunities for exploration and intimacy in the bedroom.
A realistic sex doll may be beneficial for couples who are struggling in bed. By providing physical and emotional relief, it may bring comfort to both partners. Pain during sex can be managed through the use of a synthetic partner. In addition, a doll may reduce a husband's need to act out or compete with his partner. It may even be beneficial for overcoming addiction to pornography or other forms of compulsive behavior.

&lt;h3&gt;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/sigafun-sophie-sg-t-012-sex-torso"><img src="https://www.poptorso.com/cdn/shop/files/sigafun-sophie-sg-t-012-sex-torso21.webp?v=1698306301&amp;width=1000" alt="Sigafun Sophie SG-T-012 Realistic Sexy BBW Busty Love Dolls Sex Torso Toy" /></a>&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
&lt;h3&gt;What are the Benefits of Buing Sex Dolls for Husband?&lt;h3&gt;
Sex dolls, designed to mimic the look and feel of a real woman, can assist in enhancing the sexual satisfaction of your partner. Even when your own libido isn't as high, these dolls can prove to be a great alternative. Doing so can be especially helpful if your partner has a higher sex drive than you or if you are having difficulty in meeting his needs.
Using a sex doll can be advantageous for improving a husband's sexual proficiency. By training with the doll, your partner can refine his methods, discover new postures, and explore alternative methods of arousal. This can lead to superiority in the bedroom, as your husband develops more certainty and expertise.
Exploring new sexual fantasies and desires with a partner can be made easier with a customizable sex doll. Husbands can choose from various body types, hair colors and other features to satisfy their desires in a safe and non-judgmental way. Such dolls provide a great avenue to expand one's sexual experiences.
Buying a sex doll can help married couples remain monogamous; even if distance or inability to engage in physical activity due to pregnancy puts strain on the relationship. By providing a healthy way to fulfill sexual desires, couples can keep their love strong without having to worry about infidelity. Sex dolls offer a convenient avenue to express physical passion without jeopardizing the relationship.
But it's essential to discuss sexual desires and compatibility with your spouse before introducing a sex doll into your love life. Utilizing a doll should supplement, not replace, the intimate relationship you and your partner share; if your husband relies solely on the doll and ignores you, it'll significantly damage your bond. That's why it's so important to proactively fulfill his physical needs as well. Ignoring them could have dire consequences for your relationship.
&lt;h3&gt;Why Choose Poptorso Sex Doll Torso For Your Husband&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
Poptorso.com provides high quality torso sex dolls to make your experience as convenient as possible. Our dolls weigh approximately 10 to 60 pounds, much lighter than the 70 to 100 pounds of&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/full-size-sex-doll-torso-full-body-sexy-love-toy">life size sex dolls</a>. Furthermore, as full size sex dolls cost an average of $1,500 to $4,000, the sex torso model helps keep your budget in check. Customization options may be fewer with a torso model, yet your husband will still be able to enjoy the experience without having to commit a great deal of money. Our dolls are made of silicone &amp; TPE, a material which is easy to clean and maintain for long-term use.
Ultimately, decide which sexdoll torso you and your partner prefer. You can select between models with a larger bust or those with a slimmer physique, based on your and your significant other's preferences. Furthermore, for those who select a&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/female-sex-dolls">female sex doll</a>, a shemale attachment is also available. It is possible to customize the torso doll to be both male and female, allowing it to be used by both of you!

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【日記】 What You Need to Know About Sex Doll Torso Materials Fri, 19 Jan 2024 18:54:17 +0900 2363295 https://poptorso.on.omisenomikata.jp/diary/2363295 &lt;h2&gt;Discover the Highest Quality Sex Doll Torso Available&lt;h2&gt;
<br />
Say No to Compromises, Choose Top Premium Silicone
&lt;h2&gt;Something You Must Know About Sex Doll Materials&lt;h2&gt;
<br />
In the adult doll industry, TPE and silicone are the two materials most commonly utilized. In the torso doll sector, TPE predominates, accompanied by other lower-grade materials and subpar craftsmanship.
TPE, a material with decades of use, is praised for its softness and budget-friendly nature. As technology advances, dolls made of silicone have become favored over their TPE counterparts, due to their greater realism and detail.
<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/sigafun-rebecca-mega-breasts-sex-torso"><img src="https://www.poptorso.com/cdn/shop/files/sigafun-rebecca-mega-breasts-sex-torso10.webp?v=1698390541&amp;width=1000" alt="Sigafun Rebecca SG-T-004 Lifelike Super Big Tits Booty Love Dolls Sex Torso" /></a>
&lt;h3&gt;Why We Choose Silicone Sex Torso?&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
Because you deserve the best.It is that simple.
Attuned to the spirit of innovation, we alleviate you from the complexity of sham promotions and substandard encounters. We provide you with top-notch&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/silicone-sex-dolls">silicone sex dolls</a>&nbsp;developed with luxury as a priority, all at a competitive rate.
&lt;h3&gt;How About TPE Sex Dolls?&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
TPE is a malleable and inexpensive material, but it has its drawbacks. Dark pigmentation can significantly affect the look of a body painted&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/">sex doll torso</a>. Moreover, TPE can tear or puncture if handled roughly, and is not heat-resistant. To add,&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/tpe-sex-dolls">TPE sex dolls</a>&nbsp;may excrete skin oil, making them tough to clean. Bear these aspects in mind when selecting a torso sex doll made from TPE.
&lt;h3&gt;How About Silicone Sex Dolls?&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
Silicone dolls have many advantages when compared to TPE alternatives, like a more realistic visual aesthetic, easy maintenance and cleaning, lasting body art, elevated heat resistance, and extended longevity. Price-wise, however, silicone torso sex dolls can become expensive, often ranging from $2500 to $6000, making it a daunting purchase for those on a budget. Additionally, silicone may feel firmer to the touch than TPE.
<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/sigafun-hannah-silicone-sex-torso"><img src="https://www.poptorso.com/cdn/shop/files/sigafun-hannah-silicone-sex-torso09.webp?v=1698394874&amp;width=1000" alt="Sigafun Hannah SG-T-014 Chubby Curvy Life Size Love Dolls" /></a>
&lt;h3&gt;Poptorso's Ultra-Soft Realistic Silicone Sex Torso, You Must Try!&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
Ultra-Soft Silicone offers a level of cushion and flexibility that exceeds traditional silicone, nearly rivaling the texture of TPE. Experience newfound pleasure with love holes made of Ultra-Soft Silicone, providing a snug yet delicate embrace.
Ultra-Soft Silicone is renowned for its capacity to retain intricate body paintings with stunning accuracy. This makes it easy to reproduce detailed patterns like blood vessels, freckles and even delicate features such as the genital region and areola. And these beautiful and intricate details stay intact on Ultra-Soft Silicone dolls for a lasting and impressive look.
We're offering a remarkable opportunity; our ultra-soft silicone can't be matched in terms of price in the market. With Poptorso you can get silicone-crafted dolls at the same cost as regular TPE dolls, creating a massive savings of over 50%. This great offer is only available right here at Poptorso - it's almost unbelievable that you can purchase a torso of this quality that was originally valued at $1000 for the same price!

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【日記】 Who Knew Ass Doll Sex? A Beginner Guide to Anal Sex Mon, 15 Jan 2024 17:45:28 +0900 2362511 https://poptorso.on.omisenomikata.jp/diary/2362511 &lt;h2&gt;How to Make Anal Sex Fun?&lt;h2&gt;
<br />
What is Anal Sex: Anal intercourse involves a male penetrator inserting his penis into the anus of his partner (male or female). When engaging in this intimate activity, it is imperative to wear condoms as there is still a risk of transmitting sexually transmitted infections and a female can conceive if her partner's ejaculate makes contact with her vagina.<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/">Sex doll torso</a>&nbsp;that allow you to experience the fun of anal sex.
People engage in anal intercourse for a multitude of reasons, most commonly because of the physical sensations it provides. Additionally, many women who had AI said it was more intimate than vaginal sex and they only shared it with certain partners. Anal sex refers to any activity involving the insertion of a penis, toy, or fingers into the anus. This can also include "rimming," which is the stimulation of the anus with the mouth. Although some believe anal sex is a solely homosexual act, both gay and straight couples partake in it frequently. After surveying over 2,000 men and women in the US, the researchers discovered that 42% of men and 38% of women reported having anal intercourse with the opposite sex at least once.Our&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/anal-sex-dolls">anal sex doll</a>&nbsp;is very suitable for you to experience the fun of anal sex!
&lt;h3&gt;Guidelines for Having Anal Sex for the First Time: Steps and Advice&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
Venturing into anal sex for the first time can vary greatly from person to person. Exploring your body and sex play within the realm of anal can elicit an array of pleasure, so it is best to do whatever feels right. If , however, you are uncertain of where to begin, the following is a general overview of how anal intercourse typically plays out.

Begin with intimate activities to increase arousal; if desired, move on to oral and vaginal sex, remembering to switch condoms before engaging in anal intercourse.
Gently stimulate the anal area by massaging and stroking it without penetration. If you're being pleasured, focus on the pleasing feelings and be mindful of the pleasantness arising. If you're the giver, make sure your partner is relaxed.
Apply lubricant liberally to both the penis and anus. Begin by inserting the penis slowly and carefully, withdrawing slightly in between each insertion. Once the penis is entirely within the anus, stop at once if either partner experiences any pain or discomfort. It's essential that both individuals remain comfortable, relaxed, and aroused.
To begin, strive for a relaxed rate and adjust as necessary. Anal intercourse should only be as long as is desired and shouldn't be compelled to conclude with ejaculation. Additionally, vaginal and oral sex (with a freshly changed condom) can always be substituted if either partner prefers or necessitates a break.

These instructions are written for two partners, but can be adapted for use with toys, fingers, or solo anal stimulation. This allows anyone, regardless of anatomy, to enjoy anal masturbation.
&lt;h3&gt;Top 5 Sex Toys for Anal Sex&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
&lt;strong data-sanitized-data-mce-fragment="1"&gt;Doc Johnson Mood Naughty 2
This sex toy is a great value, made of durable materials and provides sensation of P-spot stimulation and fullness. However, advanced users may find it too small and, unfortunately, it does have a tendency to retain unwanted odors.
<strong>Njoy Pure Plug</strong>
This butt plug is available in three sizes, making it an ideal option for gamers of any experience. As it is aesthetically pleasing and straightforward to clean, the testers found the plug provided a sensation of fullness and prostate stimulation. Remarkably, it stayed in place during the trial, greatly satisfying the participants.
&lt;strong data-sanitized-data-mce-fragment="1"&gt;Tantus Perfect Plug Kit
This plug provides the perfect level of stimulation for those curious about anal play. The medium plug offers an extra layer of stimulation with its vibration, while the small plug is slim enough to be comfortable, even for those completely new to anal play. The thin plug is a suitable option for those inexperienced with anal play, while the vibrating plug is sized and shaped perfectly for those who want a more intermediate level of play. Though this plug may be too small for advanced players, it's a perfect size for those starting out.
<strong>Male Sex Doll and Shemale Sex Doll</strong>
Advances in engineering have made male sex dolls and shemale male sex dolls much more realistic than those available years ago, enabling the purchase of lifelike trans dolls for anal sex. If you're just starting out, the Male sex doll and shemale male sex doll are excellent options with their affordable cost and lightweight design. Expect amazing anal sex with these products!
Using sex toys has multiple benefits, regardless of relationship status. Sexual pleasure increases, sexual performance is improved, relationships are strengthened, mental health is improved, and diseases can be prevented.

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【日記】 The Fastest Way to Orgasm Using Sex Toys Thu, 04 Jan 2024 16:02:54 +0900 2360248 https://poptorso.on.omisenomikata.jp/diary/2360248 &lt;h2 align="center"&gt;What's the High-Quality Sex Toys to Reach Orgasm?&lt;h2&gt;
<br />
Exploring the world of adult pleasure products can have a significant impact on individuals and couples. Even experienced shoppers can find something new to add to their collection. Consider these selections of high-quality sex toys to enhance your orgasmic experience.
<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/">Sex Doll Torso</a>: Torso sex dolls represent a mid-size alternative to human-sized sex dolls and toys. Despite their size, they possess highly realistic features, including faces, sexual body parts, and complete orifices for orgasmic pleasure. These devices are designed to closely replicate human forms while maintaining a smaller stature.
Vibrators: Vibrators are a popular sexual aid, offering an assortment of styles, sizes, and intensities. Some are optimized for clitoral, G-spot, or external stimulation. These adult toys offer a wide range of uses, including solo play or use with a partner, depending on individual preference.
Dildos: Dildos are penetrative objects with a phallic-like shape. Although they generally lack vibration, the various sizes, textures, and designs can create a unique sensation. They can be constructed from silicone, glass, or steel; and many come with a suction base for hands-free entertainment.
<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/climax-doll-karly-usa"><img src="https://ueeshop.ly200-cdn.com/u_file/UPAU/UPAU976/2307/24/photo/874-TorsoBlack--5-b854.jpg?x-oss-process=image/format,webp/quality,q_100" alt="Climax Dolls Karly BBW Big Boobs Ass Female Sex Torso Realistic Sexy Real Love Doll" /></a>
Rabbit Vibrators: Rabbit vibrators are designed to provide dual stimulation of the clitoris and G-spot, creating a two-in-one experience. The "rabbit" part directs vibrations towards the clitoris, while the shaft focuses on stimulating the G-spot. Combined, this can often create powerful and intense orgasms.
Anal Toys: These toys are specifically crafted to provide pleasure through the back door. Ranging from butt plugs to anal beads and more, they target a unique group of nerve endings, and can introduce a new and exciting element to climaxes. Whenever engaging in this activity, don't forget to utilize ample lube and take it slow!
Prostate Massagers: Especially designed for those with prostates, these toys feature a curved shape that effectively targets the P-spot, allegedly providing a profound full-body climax. A number of these toys come with vibration for enhanced stimulation.
Cock Rings: Designed for penises, cock rings may augment erections by limiting the outflow of blood and some even include vibrators to promote sensation for both participants during intercourse.
Nipple Clamps and Suckers: Individuals can experience heightened pleasure from stimulation of their nipples; nipple clamps add a pinch to the sensation, while suckers use suction to promote increased blood flow and heightened sensitivity.
Remember, choosing the perfect sex toy is a matter of personal preference and which sensations you desire. Read reviews, do your due diligence, and prioritize safety. Maintaining an open dialogue with your partner is vital when introducing toys into couple's play. Experience the adventure of discovery!
&lt;h3 align="center"&gt;Benefits of Using Sex Toys to Reach Orgasm&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
Sex toys can offer pleasure-filled options for individuals &amp; couples. Whether it's a small device or a more advanced piece, they provide enhanced stimulation, pleasurable variety, the chance to explore new erogenous zones, pelvic floor strengthening, improved mental well-being, intimacy-building for couples, &amp; increased sexual confidence. The benefits are varied, but the most important factor is open-mindedness &amp; mutual consent. Let's celebrate exploration &amp; understanding of this powerful experience!

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【カテゴリーなし】 The Fastest Way to Orgasm Using Sex Toys Thu, 04 Jan 2024 16:02:13 +0900 2360246 https://poptorso.on.omisenomikata.jp/menu/2360246 &lt;h2 align="center"&gt;What's the High-Quality Sex Toys to Reach Orgasm?&lt;h2&gt;<br /><br /><br />Exploring the world of adult pleasure products can have a significant impact on individuals and couples. Even experienced shoppers can find something new to add to their collection. Consider these selections of high-quality sex toys to enhance your orgasmic experience.<br /><a href="https://www.poptorso.com/">Sex Doll Torso</a>: Torso sex dolls represent a mid-size alternative to human-sized sex dolls and toys. Despite their size, they possess highly realistic features, including faces, sexual body parts, and complete orifices for orgasmic pleasure. These devices are designed to closely replicate human forms while maintaining a smaller stature.<br />Vibrators: Vibrators are a popular sexual aid, offering an assortment of styles, sizes, and intensities. Some are optimized for clitoral, G-spot, or external stimulation. These adult toys offer a wide range of uses, including solo play or use with a partner, depending on individual preference.<br />Dildos: Dildos are penetrative objects with a phallic-like shape. Although they generally lack vibration, the various sizes, textures, and designs can create a unique sensation. They can be constructed from silicone, glass, or steel; and many come with a suction base for hands-free entertainment.<br /><a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/climax-doll-karly-usa"><img src="https://ueeshop.ly200-cdn.com/u_file/UPAU/UPAU976/2307/24/photo/874-TorsoBlack--5-b854.jpg?x-oss-process=image/format,webp/quality,q_100" alt="Climax Dolls Karly BBW Big Boobs Ass Female Sex Torso Realistic Sexy Real Love Doll" /></a><br />Rabbit Vibrators: Rabbit vibrators are designed to provide dual stimulation of the clitoris and G-spot, creating a two-in-one experience. The "rabbit" part directs vibrations towards the clitoris, while the shaft focuses on stimulating the G-spot. Combined, this can often create powerful and intense orgasms.<br />Anal Toys: These toys are specifically crafted to provide pleasure through the back door. Ranging from butt plugs to anal beads and more, they target a unique group of nerve endings, and can introduce a new and exciting element to climaxes. Whenever engaging in this activity, don't forget to utilize ample lube and take it slow!<br />Prostate Massagers: Especially designed for those with prostates, these toys feature a curved shape that effectively targets the P-spot, allegedly providing a profound full-body climax. A number of these toys come with vibration for enhanced stimulation.<br />Cock Rings: Designed for penises, cock rings may augment erections by limiting the outflow of blood and some even include vibrators to promote sensation for both participants during intercourse.<br />Nipple Clamps and Suckers: Individuals can experience heightened pleasure from stimulation of their nipples; nipple clamps add a pinch to the sensation, while suckers use suction to promote increased blood flow and heightened sensitivity.<br />Remember, choosing the perfect sex toy is a matter of personal preference and which sensations you desire. Read reviews, do your due diligence, and prioritize safety. Maintaining an open dialogue with your partner is vital when introducing toys into couple's play. Experience the adventure of discovery!<br />&lt;h3 align="center"&gt;Benefits of Using Sex Toys to Reach Orgasm&lt;h3&gt;<br /><br /><br />Sex toys can offer pleasure-filled options for individuals &amp; couples. Whether it's a small device or a more advanced piece, they provide enhanced stimulation, pleasurable variety, the chance to explore new erogenous zones, pelvic floor strengthening, improved mental well-being, intimacy-building for couples, &amp; increased sexual confidence. The benefits are varied, but the most important factor is open-mindedness &amp; mutual consent. Let's celebrate exploration &amp; understanding of this powerful experience!<br /><br /><br />

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【日記】 Exploring the Wild World of Japanese Sex Dolls Tue, 26 Dec 2023 16:10:24 +0900 2358750 https://poptorso.on.omisenomikata.jp/diary/2358750 &lt;h2 align="center"&gt;What are Japanese Sex Dolls?&lt;h2&gt;
The notion of sex dolls is widespread in Japan, and it is highly esteemed within the nation. These dolls are widely favored for their lovable features and curvaceous figures. There's a range of sizes and shapes for diverse needs, allowing individuals to discover the perfect model. Those interested in pursuing pleasurable activities without facing rejection can rely on these dolls as the best intimate partners. Searching for the right pick? Here's a list of the top alternatives:
A&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/japanese-sex-dolls">Japanese sex doll</a>&nbsp;is globally renowned for its big, beautiful eyes and small, narrow features. Characteristically obedient, these dolls can be directed in any manner desired - from fetching a drink to undressing - and they will comply with no hesitation. A robotic AI&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/">sex doll torso</a>&nbsp;is even more impressive, with the capacity for following commands and completing various tasks. Buyers across the world appreciate these dolls for their realistic features and obedience, making them highly sought-after.
&lt;h2 align="center"&gt;Why do People&nbsp;Choose&nbsp;&lt;span data-sanitized-data-mce-fragment="1"&gt;Japanese&nbsp;Love&nbsp;Dolls?&lt;h2&gt;
Isolation can lead to feelings of loneliness, but these Japanese sex dolls offer an opportunity for companionship. Crafted with the highest quality silicone and TPE materials, these&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/female-sex-dolls">female sex dolls</a>&nbsp;are safe to use and deliver a realistic experience. Reports show that some have even gone so far as to marry their dolls in an official ceremony, proving just how powerful the emotional connection can be. It's an odd phenomenon, but it's happening.
<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/wm-jenny"><img src="https://www.poptorso.com/cdn/shop/files/wm-jenny09.webp?v=1683202083&amp;width=900" alt="WM Doll Jenny Realistic Life-size Silicone Big Breasts Booty Torso Love Dolls" /></a>
&lt;h3 align="center"&gt;Different Types of Japanese Lifelike Sex Dolls:&lt;h3&gt;
These figures are highly sought-after among lovers of intimate play. Different versions are available, the most typical being lifelike models. Additionally, other types are available to explore. We'll take a look:
The Silicone Japanese Sex Dolls
Crafted with the highest grade silicone, these sex dolls are not only safe but also provide a sensation of realism. For regular upkeep, these Japanese&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/silicone-sex-dolls">silicone sex dolls</a>&nbsp;are simple to clean and their longevity is maximized. Not only are these dolls exceptionally flexible, they are hypoallergenic. Their suppleness is a major benefit and contributes to their appeal. Popular silicone sex dolls range from big bust dolls to blonde dolls, mini dolls, anime dolls, and teen dolls.
The Lifelike Japanese Anime Sex Doll
Explore a realm of fantasy and anime erotics with a hentai or&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/hentai-sex-dolls">anime sex doll</a>. Those characters you've been dreaming about can now be just a bedroom away, ready to make love to you. Unlock new passions and experiences that set these dolls apart from regular partners. With Japanese anime sex dolls, you can explore your wildest fantasies with the seductive presence of your favorite anime characters. Experience unimaginable pleasure and intensity like never before.
The Japanese Humanoid Sex Dolls
The newest range of Japanese sex dolls are humanoid models, featuring integrated AI and more lifelike expressions. Commonly called robot sex dolls, these lifelike creations can simulate foreplay and generate seductive noises during intercourse. The best dolls are those with several AI capabilities, such as sensitivity to touch and thrust, the ability to talk and move, and even to carry out certain tasks. The pricier models can also engage in conversations with their users. It's a remarkable development in the sex doll market and a subject of much discussion. Technological advances are paving the way for the introduction of robot love dolls.
&lt;h3 align="center"&gt;Pros and Cons of Japanese Sex Dolls&lt;h3&gt;
These products are constructed from top-notch materials, such as silicone or TPE.
Their lifelike quality is remarkable, featuring lifelike details such as natural-looking hair and exquisitely shaped eyebrows.
They are usually equipped with joints which enable users to test a range of postures and activities, suitable for those looking to explore new sexual positions or engage in diverse types of sex.
Japanese Sex Dolls require little effort to keep clean and functioning properly, making them a desirable option for individuals who prefer to avoid the constraints of a relationship.
These items can be costly, which may not be feasible for everyone.
Occasionally, they may produce an odor which some individuals may find disagreeable.
In Conclusion,
Japanese realistic sex dolls have progressed significantly, offering convenience for those with sexual compulsions to engage in intimate activities. Both men and women can use these dolls as passionate partners to fulfill their wishes, or even as constant companions to those in isolation.

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【日記】 Exploring the Legitimacy of Tantaly Sex Dolls Wed, 20 Dec 2023 11:42:57 +0900 2357487 https://poptorso.on.omisenomikata.jp/diary/2357487 When selecting a&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/">sex doll torso</a>, it's vital to pick a company that you have confidence in. With numerous options out there, it can be challenging to determine which brands are genuine and which are fraudulent. In this post, we'll discuss the trustworthiness of Tantaly and why you can be confident when buying your next&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/full-size-sex-doll-torso-full-body-sexy-love-toy">life size sex doll</a>&nbsp;from them.
<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/tantaly-candice-wheat"><img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0103/8191/8244/t/7/assets/candice-1677894708395.gif?v=1677894712" alt="Candice Tantaly Sex Doll Torso" /></a>
&lt;h2&gt;Is Tantaly a Legitimate Sex Doll Brand?&lt;h2&gt;
<br />
&lt;h3&gt;Tantaly: A Respected Brand in the World of Sex Dolls&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
Tantaly has earned a strong reputation for creating incredibly lifelike&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/female-sex-dolls">female sex dolls</a>, utilizing quality materials such as silicone and TPE to ensure the products are durable. Highly detailed with realistic features, customers can customize their doll to perfectly match their desired aesthetic and preferences. Established as a reliable and respected brand in the sex doll market,&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/tantaly">Tantaly</a>&nbsp;is known for providing excellence.
<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/tantaly-sarina-fair-2-0"><img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0730/5602/6946/files/tantaly-sarina-fair-2-017.webp?v=1678870563" alt="Sarina Tantaly trans sex doll" /></a>
&lt;h3&gt;Tantaly Focus on Superior Quality and Unparalleled Customer Care&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
Tantaly prides itself on delivering an unmatched customer experience, underpinned by superior quality products and customer service. The brand is consistently innovating, adapting to its client needs and ensuring the highest satisfaction. From sex-doll enthusiasts to newbies, Tantaly ensures the highest standards and trustworthiness for the perfect product and service.
<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/tantaly-mia"><img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0103/8191/8244/files/1685597819820__003.gif?v=1685598000" alt="Tantaly Mia" /></a>
&lt;h3&gt;Tantaly Sex Doll Torsos are now in stock and available in the US, EU, and CA.&lt;h3&gt;
Tantaly stocks sex doll torsos in the US, EU, and CA, enabling customers to acquire these high-quality products in a timely manner. Customers can receive their new sex doll torso within 3-5 days, making it simple and convenient to enjoy!
&lt;h4&gt;Buy Best Tantaly Sex Doll Torsos from PopTorso.&lt;h4&gt;
<br />
Tantaly has partnered with PopTorso, a well-respected and reliable business in the sex doll market. PopTorso carries a variety of Tantaly sexdolls and offers fast, dependable shipping.
&lt;h4&gt;Trust in Tantaly Dolls for Quality and Reliability&lt;h4&gt;
<br />
In summary, Tantaly is a reliable and authentic brand in the torso sex doll market. Quality and customer satisfaction are their priorities, and they provide fast delivery and in-stock items. Thus, Tantaly is a suitable option for those seeking to buy a sex doll. Don't hesitate to choose Tantaly; you will definitely enjoy the utmost sexual pleasure and fulfillment!

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【日記】 Tantaly Sex Doll: Unlocking its Movement Potential Fri, 15 Dec 2023 21:39:16 +0900 2356622 https://poptorso.on.omisenomikata.jp/diary/2356622 Are you uncertain about the degree of mobility of the doll's skeleton while playing? Are you concerned about damage to your&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/">sex doll torso</a>? Seeking to extend the longevity of your sex doll? Tantaly will explain in detail the range of movement of the skeletal joints of the sex dolls we offer. You'll know exactly how to interact with your&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/tantaly">Tantaly</a>&nbsp;doll.
Skeletons of Tantaly sex dolls are traditionally composed of alloy material and consist of many segments which mimic the structure of the human body and enable the&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/collections/female-sex-dolls">female sex doll</a>&nbsp;to assume various positions.
&lt;h2 align="center"&gt;From an expert perspective, Tantaly real dolls boast four varieties of skeletal frames.&lt;h2&gt;
<br />
<img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0103/8191/8244/files/2_bd7c6581-d75b-4028-a6d2-471950854dec_263x.jpg?v=1686894407" alt="Tantaly Sex Doll Skeleton Movement Range" />
&lt;p align="center" data-pf-type="Heading2"&gt;Skeleton without joints (Mia Dita Scarlett)
&lt;p align="center" data-pf-type="Heading2"&gt;<img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0103/8191/8244/files/1001bf017cc3d07f8bb94a90cb59be4c_263x.jpg?v=1686894464" alt="Tantaly Sex Doll Skeleton Movement Range" />
&lt;p align="center" data-pf-type="Heading2"&gt;Skeleton with movable&nbsp;waist joint (Britney Nicole Candice)
&lt;p align="center" data-pf-type="Heading2"&gt;<img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0103/8191/8244/files/13_f16ef845-8534-4767-9027-fd02033da782_263x.jpg?v=1686894407" alt="Tantaly Sex Doll Skeleton Movement Range" />
&lt;p align="center" data-pf-type="Heading2"&gt;Skeleton with movable&nbsp;leg joints (Eva)
&lt;p align="center" data-pf-type="Heading2"&gt;<img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0103/8191/8244/files/3_55162e2b-7217-48eb-be6b-4a9338811e82_263x.jpg?v=1686894407" alt="Tantaly Sex Doll Skeleton Movement Range" />
&lt;p align="center" data-pf-type="Heading2"&gt;Skeleton with movable&nbsp;waist joint and movable&nbsp;leg joints (Morgpie Monica Aurora2.0 Jennifer Monroe Miki Sarina Channing)
For your convenience, Tantaly categorizes sex doll skeletons as either non-movable or movable varieties.
&lt;h3 align="center" data-sanitized-data-pf-type="Heading2" data-pf-type="Heading2" data-mce-tabindex="0"&gt;Tantaly Non-Movable Skeletons&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
The skeletal structure is immobile, meaning no articulation of joints.
<img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0103/8191/8244/files/4_d9a9faeb-28ca-42ba-aa47-16970de3526b_350x.jpg?v=1686894407" alt="Tantaly Non-Movable Skeletons" />
The picture sex doll is&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/tantaly-mia">Tantaly Mia</a>.<br />This particular skeleton lacks articulation and thus immobility.<br />Currently, Tantaly implements this structure for Mia, Dita and Scarlett.
&lt;h3 align="center" data-sanitized-data-pf-type="Heading2" data-pf-type="Heading2" data-mce-tabindex="0"&gt;&lt;span data-sanitized-data-mce-fragment="1"&gt;Tantaly&nbsp;Movable Skeletons&lt;h3&gt;
<br />
This articulating joints of the skeleton primarily consist of the lumbar and lower extremity joints.Skeletons featuring movable lumbar joints, those with flexible lower limb joints, and those equipped with both flexibly articulated lumbar and lower extremity joints are all available.
<img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0103/8191/8244/files/6_3bbc859a-1116-4564-a40f-ccf0bf6a64f0_350x.jpg?v=1686894407" alt="Tantaly Movable Skeletons" />
&lt;h4 align="center" data-sanitized-data-pf-type="Heading2" data-pf-type="Heading2" data-mce-tabindex="0"&gt;(1)&nbsp;&lt;span data-sanitized-data-mce-fragment="1"&gt;Tantaly&nbsp;Skeleton With Movable&nbsp;Waist Joint&lt;h4&gt;
<br />
The picture sex doll is&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/tantaly-candice-wheat">Tantaly Candice</a>.<br />The skeleton has a waist joint that allows for flexible motion, while its legs lack joints and hence remain stationary.<br />Currently, Tantaly is equipping Britney, Nicole, and Candice with this framework.
&lt;p align="center" data-pf-type="Heading2"&gt;Move Range:
&lt;p align="center" data-pf-type="Heading2"&gt;<img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0103/8191/8244/files/5_5607b7cc-a740-4471-a831-2ec1f301272e_1200x.jpg?v=1688458497" alt="Tantaly Skeleton With Movable Waist Joint" /><img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0103/8191/8244/files/6_3ab60779-ad5b-486f-a99b-e03c04677b0b_1200x.jpg?v=1688458497" alt="Tantaly Skeleton With Movable Waist Joint" /><img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0103/8191/8244/files/4_455a988d-3cda-4e80-9f12-3cddaa62476b_1200x.jpg?v=1688458497" alt="Tantaly Skeleton With Movable Waist Joint" />
The waist joint of this product can flex up to 15-20&deg; in an arched position and 15-20&deg; in a concave position, offering a full motion range of 30-40&deg;.
&lt;p align="center" data-pf-type="Heading2"&gt;Bend Position:
&lt;p align="center" data-pf-type="Heading2"&gt;<img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0103/8191/8244/files/IMG_2475_JPG_500x.jpg?v=1686909272" alt="Tantaly Skeleton With Movable Waist Joint" />
&lt;p align="center" data-pf-type="Heading2"&gt;At the midsection, slightly elevated above the navel, the waist joint can be adjusted forward or backward.
&lt;h4 align="center" data-sanitized-data-pf-type="Heading2" data-pf-type="Heading2" data-mce-tabindex="0"&gt;(2)&nbsp;&lt;span data-sanitized-data-mce-fragment="1"&gt;Tantaly&nbsp;Skeleton With Movable&nbsp;Leg Joints&lt;h4&gt;
<br />
&lt;p align="center" data-sanitized-data-pf-type="Heading2" data-pf-type="Heading2" data-mce-tabindex="0"&gt;<img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0103/8191/8244/files/5_bbaf6c95-f8b7-4e84-b626-ffce6ea0980c_350x.jpg?v=1686894407" alt="Tantaly Skeleton With Movable Leg Joints" />
&lt;p align="center" data-sanitized-data-pf-type="Heading2" data-pf-type="Heading2" data-mce-tabindex="0"&gt;The picture sex doll is Tantaly's only ass doll with leg joints,&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/tantaly-eva-fair-2-0">Tantaly Eva</a>.<br />The lower limbs of the skeleton are articulated, enabling movement, though the torso is rigid and immobile.
&lt;p align="center" data-sanitized-data-pf-type="Heading2" data-pf-type="Heading2" data-mce-tabindex="0"&gt;Move Range:
&lt;p align="center" data-sanitized-data-pf-type="Heading2" data-pf-type="Heading2" data-mce-tabindex="0"&gt;<img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0103/8191/8244/files/1_19b589da-08bd-4de0-b91a-65010e45bfb4_500x.jpg?v=1688458497" alt="Tantaly Skeleton With Movable Leg Joints" />
&lt;p align="center" data-sanitized-data-pf-type="Heading2" data-pf-type="Heading2" data-mce-tabindex="0"&gt;This leg joints are articulated to rotate up to a complete 90 degrees forward. Furthermore, the left leg has a 25-degree leftward range of motion, while the right leg has a 25-degree rightward range of motion. To preserve the doll's skin and vaginal opening, users should not tear it beyond necessary.
&lt;h4 align="center" data-sanitized-data-pf-type="Heading2" data-pf-type="Heading2" data-mce-tabindex="0"&gt;(3) Tantaly Skeleton With Movable Waist Joint And Movable Leg Joints&lt;h4&gt;
<br />
&lt;p align="center" data-sanitized-data-pf-type="Heading2" data-pf-type="Heading2" data-mce-tabindex="0"&gt;<img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0103/8191/8244/files/9_b9d22fd3-2ca7-449d-a0ad-5d4fbf303d7f_350x.jpg?v=1686894407" alt="Tantaly Skeleton With Movable Waist Joint And Movable Leg Joints" />
&lt;p align="center" data-sanitized-data-pf-type="Heading2" data-pf-type="Heading2" data-mce-tabindex="0"&gt;The picture sex doll is&nbsp;<a href="https://www.poptorso.com/products/tantaly-aurora-fair-3-0">Tantaly Aurora</a>2.0.<br />This skeleton features a movable waist joint and leg joints for increased mobility.<br />Presently, Tantaly is utilizing this framework for Morgpie, Monica, Aurora2.0, Jennifer, Monroe, Miki, Sarina, and Channing.
&lt;p align="center" data-sanitized-data-pf-type="Heading2" data-pf-type="Heading2" data-mce-tabindex="0"&gt;Move Range:
&lt;p align="center" data-sanitized-data-pf-type="Heading2" data-pf-type="Heading2" data-mce-tabindex="0"&gt;<img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0103/8191/8244/files/2_bbaa0017-9c3f-49a4-9d4d-01249bf1b564_500x.jpg?v=1688463794" alt="Tantaly Skeleton With Movable Waist Joint And Movable Leg Joints" />
The waist joint offers 15-20 degrees of forward arching and 15-20 degrees of backward flexing, for a total range of motion of 30-40 degrees. It can be bent at the midpoint, just above the navel.
The leg joints enable a range of 90 degrees forwards, with the left leg capable of 25 degrees of movement to the left and the right leg offering 25 degrees to the right.
Exert caution when handling the doll to prevent ripping the skin and vaginal opening.
&lt;p align="center" data-pf-type="Heading2"&gt;Note:
&lt;p align="center" data-pf-type="Heading2"&gt;The Tantaly doll can be set upright by lifting the legs to 90 degrees when it is in a laying position and by separating them to an angle of 35 degrees.
<img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0103/8191/8244/files/3_500x.png?v=1686902655" alt="Tantaly doll" />
For reclining, it is suggested to raise the doll's legs to a 90 degree angle, curl the legs 20 degrees each, and keep them 40 degrees apart.
<img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0103/8191/8244/files/fotor-20230705183316_500x.png?v=1688553284" alt="Tantaly Real Love Dolls" />
&lt;p align="center" data-sanitized-data-pf-type="Heading2" data-pf-type="Heading2" data-mce-tabindex="0"&gt;No Skeletons
&lt;p align="center" data-sanitized-data-pf-type="Heading2" data-pf-type="Heading2" data-mce-tabindex="0"&gt;It should be noted that Tantaly offers a type of sex doll that features no skeleton and offers limited mobility.
&lt;p align="center" data-sanitized-data-pf-type="Heading2" data-pf-type="Heading2" data-mce-tabindex="0"&gt;Currently, Tantaly's Rosie, Louise, and Cecilia models possess this characteristic.
&lt;h4 align="center" data-sanitized-data-pf-type="Heading2" data-pf-type="Heading2" data-mce-tabindex="0"&gt;Advice on Take Care Of Tantaly Sex Dolls&lt;h4&gt;
<br />
&lt;p align="center" data-sanitized-data-pf-type="Heading2" data-pf-type="Heading2" data-mce-tabindex="0"&gt;1. Do not tear forcefully. The available range of motion with Tantaly sex dolls is pictured above; please abstain from over-stretching the doll to avoid damaging the doll's skin and vaginal opening.
&lt;p align="center" data-sanitized-data-pf-type="Heading2" data-pf-type="Heading2" data-mce-tabindex="0"&gt;2. Take care to keep sharp objects away from the doll to avoid piercing its skin and diminishing the strength of its bones.
&lt;p align="center" data-sanitized-data-pf-type="Heading2" data-pf-type="Heading2" data-mce-tabindex="0"&gt;3. Ensure the doll's articulating joints are free of bends and her legs are together, if applicable, to enable a lifelike pose.
&lt;p align="center" data-sanitized-data-pf-type="Heading2" data-pf-type="Heading2" data-mce-tabindex="0"&gt;Handle your Tantaly sex dolls with the care you would a partner to extend their longevity with you.
&lt;p align="center" data-sanitized-data-pf-type="Heading2" data-pf-type="Heading2" data-mce-tabindex="0"&gt;For any queries concerning the doll's skeletal structure, please direct them to our official service email, poptorso@hotmail.com. Please include the order number and any photos/videos relating to the doll's condition, and we'll guarantee a satisfactory after-sale service.

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